There is a saying “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” When I look back, towards my journey, it was not easy but it was not tough too. I have always pursed my dreams, chased my passion and focused on my job. I prepared myself in order to contribute to society and feel good about myself. I am proud to be woman entrepreneur who has made a mark and could contribute towards society by generating employment for several people.
With so many deserving candidates, I am both honoured and humbled to receive this significant award which boosts my confidence and inspiration to realise my dreams in developing innovative, a creative society where individuals stand the chance to become global players. This award has encouraged me to keep moving forward with my future endeavour. It feels like an offer to keep up the good work and grow.
I would also like to thank my team for supporting me and helping me reach this stage No matter how smart, talented, driven, or passionate you are, your success as an entrepreneur depends on your ability to build and inspire a team. As a successful leader, you have to spur the team members to work well with enjoyment, towards a common vision and goal to win championships. So, coming together is a beginning, keeping together is a progress and working together is a success.