From my Diary: Meenu Agarwal, CEO and founder of MADS Creations :
This is most challenging and critical part of designer’s reign. The people are attached to the items and not ready to discard the non usable stuff, although they haven’t used them for years all together. Almost everything in our environment evokes some kind of emotional or physical reaction, which needs attention. As we go through each of our belongings, we should think if that particular item energizes us and makes us happy, or if it brings us down. Each book on our bookshelf reminds us of someone or something that is either positive, negative or mixed. If the book reminds us of nothing, it is probably because we never actually read it. People often holds on to things in the hopes of using them someday,, but this also saps our energy, because it acts as a constant reminder of things we meant to do, but never did. If that particular thing does not contribute to our overall sense of well-being than I can almost bet that it is not in line with your unique design style. Items that makes us happy are an expression of who we are. Pay attention to what we should allow into our home, and be conscious of the way everything in our home affects us !!